Saturday, 25 February 2017

BSBCUS301 Week Three Class Notes

Week Three Class Notes

3         Monitor and report on service delivery

3.1       Regularly review customer satisfaction with service delivery using verifiable evidence according to organisational and legislative requirements

3.2       Identify opportunities to enhance the quality of service and products, and pursue within organisational and legislative requirements

3.3       Monitor procedural aspects of service delivery for effectiveness and suitability to customer requirements

3.4       Regularly seek customer feedback and use to improve the provision of products and services

3.5       Ensure reports are clear, detailed and contain recommendations focused on critical aspects of service delivery

Let's review and recap from what we learned last week:

Rapport - What is it? Why is it important?

Self Assessment Checklist - Have you all completed the checklist and saved a copy for your

Customer Service Charters/Policies/Guidelines - how many did you find? For what type of "library"?

Class Activity One
"Chinese Whispers" for those that have not played or heard of the game, Chinese Whispers is a game
in which one person whispers a message to the person next to them and then that person turns
and whispers the message they have just heard to the person next to them. This continues until the
last person to hear the repeated whispered message then repeats what they think the message is to the
entire group. Everyone can then hear just how different the message has evolved into from the
original person.
This is a good example of using your Active listening skills!

Class Activity Two

Colour Exercise. This activity is a great way to show how we all interpret things differently in a
 similar situation and how this can be used to understand why having empathy for your patrons or
 customers is an important part of our customer service skills.

As a class, I want you to all first THINK and then PICTURE the seven days of the week.
Now on a piece of paper or on your laptops/tablets/smart phones I want you to write down the
colour you associated with each day of the week, then we will compare answers.

You have all been given the exact same task but you have all 'seen' the days differently, this is
the same when communicating with your patrons, the same questions will not always result in the
same answers.

Again each patron is different and will have different needs!


In today's class you will be given your two assessment tasks for this unit.

Assessment One - Customer Service Role Play

Assessment Two - Customer Service Report

But before we begin those, let's cover a little background first!

Customer Service Policies and Procedures

Library Policy:
is a document that clearly states what type of behaviour is permissable and that which is not,
as well as any related consequences

Library Procedures:
is a document that outlines the specific steps for a staff member to follow. The procedures help 
an employee know what to do when in a situation and to help ensure consistency throughout 
the organisation

Why is it important to follow policies and procedures?

Government Legislation
Victorian Legislationand Parliamentary Documents

© Chisholm Institute 2017

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