Thursday, 16 February 2017

BSBCUS301 Week One Class Notes

Service 1 contains two separate units that we will be covering over the next 8 weeks.
BSBCUS301 – Deliver and Monitor a Service to Customers
BSBLIB404 – Use Integrated Library Management Systems
For the first half of this term will be concentrating on the first unit BSBCUS301 followed by the second unit BSBLIB404 in the last four weeks of the term.

BSBCUS301 - Deliver and Monitor a Service to Customers

1.       Identify customer needs
1.1     Use appropriate interpersonal skills to accurately identify and clarify customer needs and expectations
1.2     Assess customer needs for urgency to determine priorities for service delivery according to organisational and legislative requirements

1.3     Use effective communication to inform customers about available choices for meeting their needs and assist in the selection of preferred options
1.4     Identify limitations in addressing customer needs and seek appropriate assistance from designated individuals


Know your customers.
Different libraries may use various terms for the people that use their services. How many can you name?
Good vs Bad customer service experiences.
- What happened?
- How did they make you feel?
- Did you share the experience with friends/family?

Customer Service in the Library

Break 10.30am - 15mins

Interpersonal Skills
What are they?

Verbal Communication
What we say and how we say it

Non-Verbal Communication
What we communicate without words

Class Activity Example
You are employed as a library officer at Mystic Falls Library Corporation (MFLC).
How would you greet a customer who came to the desk?
Can you be all 3 things - Polite, Professional and Friendly?
How do you balance them out?
Can you be too polite or too friendly?
Can polite and friendly conflict with professional?

Role Play

Using above example, demonstrate how you might greet a customer in a polite and friendly manner.
What Non-Verbal communication was present?

© Copyright Chisholm Institute 2017

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