Thursday, 23 February 2017

School Library Loans Policy

Misty River Secondary School Library Loans Policy – LIB-002 Effective Date: 28-Jan-16

Purpose: To ensure equity of access to and availability of library resources to students and academic staff in fulfilling their teaching and learning commitments.
· All library users
 · All College campuses

Policy Statement: This policy applies to all staff and students who are eligible to borrow from the campus libraries and access online resources. Each borrower group has slightly different loan periods for specific formats (books, periodicals, AV), number of items they can borrow, access to electronic resources and duration of membership. The library management system is programmed to provide collection and account access to users, manage all circulation rules, track usage, generate late fines, lost charges and penalties, and generate courtesy notices.
Electronic resources are governed by contractual licences and authentication software to restrict access to authorised users. Loan Categories - Periods, Limits and Renewals College staff and students must produce a current College ID card to borrow from the library collection.
Circulation rules are set up in the library management system on predetermined borrower types. The different borrower types are:
1.       Students
· A total of 6 items can be borrowed from a campus library at any one time
· Items in high demand (i.e. Prescribed Readings) and AV items have a 7 day loan period
· Standard loan period is 14 days
· ‘Not for Loan’ copies of Prescribed Readings and all journals are not available for loan and cannot be removed from the library
· All items can be renewed/extended for ONE more loan period only, e.g. 7 day loan for another 7 days
· Fines for late returns accrue at $1 a day in most instances (except for hourly loans which are $1 per hour)
· Accounts are blocked if any item is overdue and/or fines and charges reach or exceed $30
· Access to e-resources is independent of the library management system rules, e.g. ebooks are restricted to a 7 day loan.
· Borrowing and access to e-resources is only available to current, enrolled students

2. Academic staff
· A nominal total of 99 items can be borrowed at one time
· Teacher reference have a loan period of 180 days
· Teacher reference items can be renewed once for another 180 days but must be returned to the library once a year for stocktaking purposes
· Items borrowed from the main lending collection retain the same loan period as for students; the only exception is if the item is required for course writing
· Journals are not available for loan; articles can be scanned or photocopied
· Accounts are blocked if any item is overdue and/or fines and charges reach or exceed $30
· Access to e-resources is available to current staff who have a College network login
· Fines for late return of items accrue at $1 a day which must be paid on return and prior to re-borrowing

·  Borrowers can place ‘holds’ on items they wish to borrow that are on loan to another person. All items that are on loan to another borrower can be reserved in this manner, but items that are available for loan, i.e. currently checked in, do not qualify. Placing a Hold is possible by logging into the online My Account area on the library management system or by contacting the library by email, phone or in person. On return of the ‘Hold’ item the requestor will be notified by phone or email, depending on what method they have nominated. Items will be held at the Circulation Desk for pickup for a period of 7 days before re-shelving. 

© Copyright Chisholm Institute 2017

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