Monday, 13 March 2017

BSBLIB404 Week Six Class Notes

Week Six Class Notes

BSBLIB404 Use Integrated Library Management Systems

2        Provide Customer Support in Relation to Circulation and Lending
2.1     Provide current and accurate information to customers in relation to circulation and lending policies and procedures, including self-service systems

2.2     Process loan and return transactions according to organisational policies and procedures, including security procedures
2.3     Follow safe work practices when performing circulation and lending services

2.4     Manage competing demands for services according to customer service standards

2.5     Resolve customer enquiries and complaints within scope of own job role

2.6     Refer complex customer queries and complaints to relevant personnel

2.7     Provide information on range of services which may incur costs, including pre-paid services

2.8      Process financial transactions

Library Policies

Chattanooga Public Library Circulation Policy

The Australian College of Natural Medicine Library Loans Policy

© Copyright Chisholm Institute 2017

BSBLIB404 Week Seven Class Notes

Week Seven Class Notes

BSBLIB404 Use Integrated Library Management Systems

3        Use Online Catalogues to Assist Customers

3.1     Use basic search features of online catalogues to provide current and accurate information to customers
3.2     Use online catalogues to assist customers in locating information resources in library collections

3.3     Explain classification numbers and shelving location symbols or prefixes displayed on online catalogues to customers

© Copyright Chisholm Institute 2017

BSBLIB404 Week Eight Class Notes

Week Eight Class Notes

BSBLIB404 Use Integrated Library Management Systems

4        Maintain Knowledge of ILMS trends and Emerging Technologies

4.1     Source information about current industry trends and emerging technologies in relation to ILMS

4.2     Provide information to colleagues in relation to add-on library automation software and hardware

© Copyright Chisholm Institute 2017

BSBCUS301 Week Four Class Notes

Week Four

This week is all about our Role Play Case Scenarios so there are no new class notes.

As a class you will all complete your assessment task in class time.

Assessment Two: Role Play Scenarios – Part A
Scenario 1
You are a staff member at a busy public library there are a number of people in front of you waiting for assistance, you are working with a customer who has a number of requests, they need to return some books, put others on hold and they want to know how to download eBooks, the customer behind them butts in saying “are you going to be long?  I’m in a hurry”……

Scenario  2

You are working in a secondary school library and a very belligerent year nine students appears in front of you demanding to know why they have been given an overdue notice for a book they claim not to have borrowed.

Scenario 3

You are working in a public library, there is a customer to be helped with finding a book, the phone is ringing and another customer is getting frustrated because the self-check unit won’t let her borrow who do you help first?

Scenario 4

An angry customer appears in front of you demanding to know why the self-check unit won’t let her borrow, you check her record and she has $23 owing in fines, library policy says you can’t borrow if you have over $20 in fines.

Scenario 5

A university student has an important assessment due and needs to borrow a book on the “2 hour reserve shelf” overnight how do you manage this.

Assessment Two: Self Reflection – Part B
Think about your own skills and knowledge that you already had at the beginning of this course. Which ones can you relate to ‘Customer Service’?
What have you learnt over the past 4 weeks?  Did you learn or gain something unexpected?

Why is communication (both verbal and non verbal) so important in delivery good customer service? 

© Copyright Chisholm Institute 2017

BSBLIB404 Week Five Class Notes

Week Five Class Notes

BSBLIB404 Use Integrated Library Management Systems
"This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to apply a basic understanding of the interrelated functions of integrated library management systems (ILMS) to use online catalogues, process loan transactions, and provide circulation and lending services to meet customer needs.

It applies to individuals in frontline information services roles in libraries working under limited supervision, within established policies and procedures."

1        Create Records in the ILMS
1.1     Develop an understanding of basic functions of an ILMS, including interrelation of different modules

1.2     Register new borrowers on the automated circulation system according to organisational and system guidelines

1.3     Process an acquisition by creating a record in the acquisition module

1.4     Generate an interlibrary loan request by creating a request through the ILMS

Let’s start with a bit of fun!

What do we mean by circulation?  What are some other terms that are used instead of circulation?

What tasks do you think are undertaken at the library circulation desk?

Class exercise:
Make a list of ALL the tasks that may be undertaken at the library circulation desk.

What skills do you think you need to work at the circulation desk?  

For this unit we will be using the KOHA library management system.  The version we will be using is an online demonstration version.

login: anne
password: koha

Login to Koha and have a look at the circulation menu, what types of things can you do from this menu?

The first thing we're going to do is add ourselves as a new borrower, can you work out how to do that?

© Copyright Chisholm Institute 2017